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Dream Tea &
About The Blue Lotus

Used for lucid dreaming. Teas such as these have been used since ancient times for divination

Egyptian Divination Tea

-The Blue Lotus


One of the main ingredients in my tea is the Blue Lotus. The blue lotus flower is an endangered plant that has played a critical role in ancient societies. With intriguing uses, including lucid dreaming, heightened relaxation, and as an aphrodisiac, it's no wonder that interest in this plant and the resulting tea has persisted for centuries.

Blue Lotus tea is made from the blue lily flower known by the botanical name Nelumbo nucifera. The blue water lily offers an intoxicating fragrance and is a beautiful flower used in herbal remedies dating back to the ancient Egyptians, Thais, and Syrians.

The ancient Egyptians used the blue lotus flower as part of celebrations, including in the form of blue lotus wine. The flower was considered the official flower of the sun god Ra. This plant should not be confused with another blue lily known as the blue lotus of the Nile River, made from the plant Nymphaea caerulea.

The blue lily is a water-growing plant that floats on the surface as its roots drive deep into the earth. The plant flowers during the day and closes up at night. The sacred flower has been associated with psychedelic effects and lucid dreaming, lending its modern uses as a mind-altering drink. The plant was so integral to Egyptian society that it made several appearances in the Book of the Dead. Today, the plant is listed as endangered and can be found mainly on the Asian continent. While it's not a tea you can go out and buy in the United States, it's a fascinating plant that demonstrates the role tea has played in societies since the earliest civilizations.

Some stories in ancient Egypt go as far as to suggest that life as we know it blossomed from a blue lotus flower at the dawn of time.

Today, ceremonial use of blue lotus has diminished substantially, but there’s a growing interest of psychonauts interested in the plant’s unique ability to induce lucid dream states.

blue lotus

History & Folklore of the Blue Lotus Flower

The Blue lotus flower has a rich history in East Africa and the Middle East. It grows abundantly in the Nile river and local streams, ponds, and lakes throughout Egypt. Most of the folklore and mythology involving this species comes from ancient Egyptian civilizations living around the Nile river.

Because of its psychoactive properties, this plant was often associated with the gods and the afterlife. It’s frequently depicted in art, sculptures, and hieroglyphs on the walls of tombs.

The petals of the blue lotus flower were sometimes used to cover the mummies of Egyptian pharaohs.

blue lotus Egyptian

Nefertem: The Egyptian God of Perfume

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Nefertem is the god of perfume and aromatherapy. He wears a blue lotus flower on his head.

Nefertem was born at the beginning of creation from a blue lotus as it blossomed out of the waters of chaos (called “Nun”).

Upon his creation, Nefertem began to cry from loneliness. His tears formed humanity.

Every day, Nefertem goes through a cycle of death and rebirth. In the mornings, when the sun rises, he is born — in the evenings, when the sun sets, he dies and travels to the underworld.

This is mimicked by the blud lotus flower as its petals open each morning and close again at night.


Ra: The Egyptian God of the Sun

gold Egyptian trim

Ra, the god of the sun and one of the central gods in ancient Egyptian mythology, is also associated with the blue lotus flower.

Ra is responsible for dragging the sun through the sky each day in a small rowboat. With such an important role, Ra receives much credit for creating and maintaining all life on Earth.

Blue lotus is metaphorically connected with the sun god Ra due to its tendency to open and close in tandem with the sun as it moves around the globe.

gold Egyptian trim
gold Egyptian trim

What Are The Effects of Blue Lotus Flower?

blue lotus dark background

Blue lotus flower is considered soporific (sleep-inducing), euphoric (mood-enhancing), and neurogenic (dream-inducing).

Blue lotus tea is primarily used to help users fall asleep and to induce lucid-dream states. It also acts as an aphrodisiac and euphoric and can be used medicinally as an emetic and analgesic (pain-killer).

This herb is undeniably psychoactive but in an entirely different way than traditional psychedelics such as magic mushrooms (psilocybin), LSD, or DMT.

It’s different from atypical psychedelics like salvia (Salvia divinorum), ketamine, or PCP.

The blue lotus flower is more similar in terms of its psychoactive effects to the fly agaric mushroom or LSA (lysergic acid amide) from morning glory and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose.

Instead of producing visions or distortions in sensory perception, this herb causes users to fall into a trance-like state. You’re in a dream, yet you remain (mostly) self-aware. These conditions set users up perfectly to enter what’s called a lucid dream.

1. Soporific Effects (Sedation)

After drinking blue lotus flower tea, users feel euphoric and relaxed — much like the effects of other herbs such as kava (Piper methysticum) or kratom (Mitragyna speciosa).

The more tea one drinks, the stronger the sedative action of the flower. It doesn’t take much of this stuff before users begin feeling the insurmountable urge to close their eyes and drift off to sleep.

People who drink blue lotus tea often report experiencing a more profound and longer-lasting sleep.

2. Oneirogenic Effects (Lucid Dreaming)

Some people use the blue lotus flower to induce lucid dreams.

A lucid dream is a type of dream where the user knows they’re dreaming.

By simply recognizing that one is in a dream, they’re able to exert some level of control over the dream scenarios. Users can adopt superpowers on command, such as teleportation, flying, superhuman strength, and more.

During a lucid dream, users can manipulate the dream environment, changing the scenery, creating and destroying landscapes and objects, and influencing just about every aspect of the dream itself.

It’s believed that the combination of euphoric and soporific effects of blue lotus tea is what facilitates more vivid and lucid dream states.

What Are The Active Ingredients In Blue Lotus Flower?

The active ingredients in blue lotus flower — aporphine and nuciferine — are classified as isoquinoline alkaloids.

This makes them chemically related to benzylisoquinoline alkaloids such as morphine and codeine, as well as the antimicrobials sanguinarine and berberine.

1. Aporphine & Apomorphine

Aporphine is the most basic member of the larger aporphine alkaloid classification, including nuciferine, nymphaeine, nymphaline, nupharine, and α β-nupharidine — all of which are found in the water-lily genus (Nymphaea).

Once inside the body, aporphine is converted to apomorphine, which shares many structural similarities with morphine.

Apomorphine is used as a drug for treating Parkinson’s disease, alcoholism, drug addiction, and erectile dysfunction under the brand name Apokyn.

Apomorphine has been shown to have the following pharmacological actions 

Nonselective dopamine receptor (primarily D2) agonist
5-HT2 receptor agonist
α-adrenergic receptor agonist


2. Nuciferine

Nuciferine is another type of aporphine alkaloid found throughout the Nymphaea genus of plants. It’s most abundant in the Nymphaea caerulea species.

This compound is also found in another species called ​​Nelumbo nucifera (sacred lotus) and is found throughout central Asia.

The effects of nuciferine are still being studied, but researchers have discovered that this compound shares striking similarities with aripiprazole-like antipsychotic drugs.

Nuciferine has been shown to have the following pharmacological actions 

5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, & 5-HT2B antagonist
5-HT7 inverse agonist
Partial D2, D5, & 5-HT6 agonist
5-HT1A agonist
Dopamine transporter inhibitor

Dream Tea Photography

3. Other Ingredients

The Blue lotus flower also contains an impressive collection of antioxidants, including various flavonoids, quercetin, kaempferol, gallic acid, and myricetin (antioxidants).

The essential oil content of the plant contains high concentrations of a triterpene called squalene, which is a popular ingredient for skincare products because of its role in lubricating and protecting the skin.

Is Blue Lotus Legal?

Yes, blue lotus is legal in most parts of the world.

It’s unregulated in the United States, Canada, and most of Europe. The exceptions are RussiaLatvia, and Poland — all of which ban the sale of the herb.

Oddly, the FDA hasn’t chosen to regulate or prohibit this flower because the administration also lists the flowers as poisonous (despite any clear evidence of this).

The most common form you’ll find in blue lotus is a tea or dried herb, incense, and fragrance oils.

What is in my Divination Tea

My divination consists of various herbs I've researched and tried personally to get the best effect for lucid dreaming. Each herb I get is imported from countries that grow the best quality of each herb or flower. The proportions are perfect for not only the effect but taste as well. I personally love adding milk to this tea and drinking a cup or two before bed. Each night you drink it, it seems to increase its effects.

Other herbs in my tea

  • Damiana Leaf

damiana leaf

Also known as - (Turnera diffusa, Turnera aphrodisiaca) is a wild shrub. It is native to Texas, Mexico, South and Central America, and the Caribbean.

The dried leaves are thought to have an aphrodisiac effect for both males and females. This means they are used to improve sexual function. Damiana is also sold as an appetite suppressant.

In alternative medicine, damiana is used to treat medical conditions, including:

  • Asthma

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Headache

  • Constipation

  • Menstrual disorders

  • Lucid Dreaming

  • African Dream Root

african dream root

African dream root is an herb native to South Africa.

Traditionally, people used the plant’s roots to treat several health conditions. In addition, the Xhosa people of South Africa used the roots to stimulate vivid or lucid dreams, which they believed helped them communicate with their ancestors.

African dream root is best known for its ability to stimulate vivid or lucid dreams.

Researchers believe this effect is due to compounds called triterpenoid saponins. These saponins form a foam-like substance if you mix them vigorously in water. Traditionally, people would drink this foam, which would stimulate vivid or lucid dreams.

However, the vivid or lucid dream experiences people have reported after taking African dream root are anecdotal. There’s currently no research that explains how African dream root may produce these effects.

Other than potentially stimulating vivid or lucid dreams, the saponins in the African dream root plant may offer additional benefits, such as:

  • Antioxidant properties. Research on saponins suggests they may have antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are molecules that help protect your cells from oxidative stress, which is linked to various chronic diseases. 

  • Possible reduced inflammation. Test-tube and animal studies on triterpenoid saponins, such as those in African dream root, suggest they may reduce markers and signs of inflammation. 

  • Possible lower cholesterol levels. Research suggests saponins may help decrease cholesterol levels by either inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol in the gut or preventing the reabsorption of bile acids, which help digest fat. 

  • Possible lower blood sugar levels. Newer research on saponins suggests they may help decrease blood sugar levels by activating cellular processes that help remove sugar from the blood. 

blue lotus Egyptian Art
  • Valerian Root

Valerian root is one of the most common natural sleep aids available.

It’s used to improve poor sleep patterns, alleviate anxiety, ease menopausal symptoms, and promote relaxation. Used medicinally for thousands of years, it’s commonly taken as a capsule, liquid extract, or tea.

This supplement comes from the herb Valeriana officinalis, which is native to Asia and Europe but also grows in other countries like the United States.

One review of 11 herbal medicines concluded that valerian root was the most promising herbal medicine for sleep and insomnia.

One of the most frequently reported side effects of valerian root is vivid dreams.

While the majority of participants did not experience side effects, 16% experienced vivid dreams during the valerian treatment.

Valerian may cause vivid dreams because it contains essential oil and compounds called iridoid glycosides. These compounds stimulate opioid receptors and serotonin production in your brain, producing relaxing and anti-depressive effects.

Some researchers also believe that valerian boosts the brain chemical gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), which has a calming effect on your body.

Overall, these sedative properties may promote deeper sleep patterns that could lead to vivid dreams.

  • Mugwort

What exactly is mugwort? Well, outside of sounding like it should be in the pages of the “Harry Potter” series, it’s a root-based perennial plant that goes by many different names. Most importantly, it’s been shown to help fight serious diseases and maladies, from cancer to joint pain.

You may often hear mugwort referred to by other names, such as felon herb, green ginger, or common (wild) wormwood.  It is sometimes confused for St. John’s wort (because of the name) or chrysanthemum weed (because of its appearance). You can find varieties of mugwort growing natively in Asia, Northern Europe, and parts of North America — it’s so common that it may even be growing on the outskirts of your yard right now, and you didn’t even know it.

In some cases, mugwort was successful in a method called moxibustion, which is used most notably for reversing the breach position of fetuses before birth and alleviating joint pain. (2b3) The leaves of one species of the plant, A. douglasiana, has been used as a preventative method before being exposed to poison oak, plus it’s been used as a natural bug repellant.

The plant contains high levels of antioxidants, which help to alleviate digestive and intestinal issues like ulcers, vomiting, nausea, and constipation. It’s even been known to elicit intense and vivid dreams.

It’s also a successful therapy for certain forms of arthritis.

Below I’ve listed several allergens that have been tied to mugwort due to similar protein compounds. Most people who are allergic to mugwort pollen only develop a few food sensitivities from this list, so you don’t need to avoid all of these nutritious foods; just remain aware of how you may react to them. 

  • Pine nuts (chestnuts, hazelnuts)

  • Peanuts

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Broccoli

  • Celery

  • Peppers

  • Unpeeled, raw carrots

  • Raw apples

  • Melon

  • Unpeeled peaches

  • Aniseed

  • Coriander

  • Cumin

  • Fennel seeds

  • Parsley

  • Rosemary

  • Sage

These are not the only common allergies tied to mugwort. There are many other closely related allergens. Do not consume or topically use mugwort if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to be pregnant without consulting your doctor.

  • Lavender

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is an evergreen plant native to the Mediterranean. Its flower and oil have a popular scent and are also used as medicine.

Lavender contains an oil that seems to have calming effects and might relax specific muscles. It also seems to have antibacterial and antifungal effects.

People commonly use lavender for anxiety, stress, insomnia, depression, dementia, pain, and many other conditions.

Possibly Effective for

  • Anxiety. Taking a specific lavender oil supplement (Silexan) by mouth seems to help relieve anxiety. Using lavender oil aromatherapy or aromatherapy massage also seems to help.

  • Depression. Taking lavender products by mouth, including teas and a specific oil supplement (Silexan), seems to reduce symptoms of depression.

  • Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea). Lavender oil aromatherapy seems to help reduce menstrual pain.

  • Pain after surgery. Using lavender oil aromatherapy along with standard pain medications seems to help reduce pain after surgery in some people.

Magickal Properties Of Lavender

  • Attract men: Wear the perfume or add the essential oil to your beauty and love spells to bring your next lover to you.

  • Banishing harmful spirits: Sprinkle the flowers along the floor of your home or business to ward away evil spirits.

  • Happiness: Bake the dried flowers into cookies or flavor your lemonade with the flowers to bring happiness.

  • Lavender has been used all throughout history; the ancient Egyptians even used it in their embalming process. Cleopatra is said to have worn the scent to seduce Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, and the Romans used it in their extravagant baths.

  • The name lavender meaning is derived from the Latin word lavae meaning to wash, a reference to it being a common herb used for the washing of clothes and to scent bedding. The washerwomen of the middle ages were known as lavender. In ancient Greece and India, it is also referred to as a spikenard. Lavender is a genus of 39 known flowering plants belonging to the mint family known as Lamiaceae.

  • It is a perennial herb that grows in a variety of shapes, including small to large shrubs. Leaf shapes vary across the genus. Most have fine hairs from which the essential oil is extracted from these fine hairs also known as Indumentum.

  • Flowers grow on long spikes rising above the foliage, and colors are generally blue-violet and lilac. However, in the wild, black/purple or yellow flowers have also been seen. An abundance of nectar is produced by these vibrantly colored flowers. Collecting the abundant nectar are the Bees, making high-quality honey from it, known as mono-floral honey. Lavender honey can be used on infected wounds to aid in the healing process.

  • It is said to increase clairvoyance. Whilst mixing together rose petals, lavender, mugwort, and chamomile is said to attract sprites, fairies, brownies, and elves.

  • It is also a useful tool for healing, love, and purification magics. Wearing a sprig of lavender offers protection, reduces fatigue, and stimulates the conscious mind. The world’s natural beauty surrounds us as always, occasionally reminding us to stop and smell the lavender.

  • Yaga


Yaga root is related to the ayahuasca vine that grows in Peru. The traditional plant medicine has been used in the Amazon for millennia. However, it is rapidly growing in popularity, with backpackers looking to have a spiritual experience and find enlightenment. Ayahuasca vine and Yaga vine are both similar, with obvious differences being the Ayahuasca vine being much stronger. 

This really depends on your viewpoint. The ayahuasca brew is made from the stalks of the Banisteriopsis caapi vine and the leaves of the Psychotria Viridis shrub. Both of these natural ingredients have hallucinogenic properties, and the latter contains Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a powerful psychedelic substance. In the USA and the UK, DMT is classified as an illegal drug. However, in South America, many view ayahuasca as a sacred plant medicine.

Peru is the leader in ayahuasca tourism and the ‘plant medicine’ is completely legal there. This is because it is believed to be an integral part of the indigenous peoples’ heritage and culture. Brazil is another popular country in which to do a retreat, and ayahuasca has been legal for use there since 1992. In many other South American countries, such as Colombia, there are no specific laws regarding the use of ayahuasca. However, much like in Peru, it is assumed to be a religious sacrament. 

The name ‘ayahuasca’ comes from the Quechua language. ‘Aya’ translates to ancestors or soul, and ‘huasca’ is similar to ‘wasca’ which means rope or vine. Using these two translations, it is believed that the word literally means ‘vine of the soul.’

  • Disclaimer

All herbs, like medicine, can react to your body or other medications, and you must do research on them and any medication you might be taking. Allergies can happen with any herb, so keep that in mind and research that as well. 

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, research and ask your doctor before consuming any tea/herb/or vitamin. 

To purchase my Dream / Divination Tea, visit my Etsy Listing

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