What Is A Psychic Medium?
What is their role? What can they do? Can you learn it? What are the different forms of Psychic Abilities?

Psychic vs Mediumship
What does psychic mean?
As an adjective, psychic means "of or relating to the human soul or mind" or something mental as opposed to physical. Psychology also defines it as "pertaining to or noting mental phenomena," which describes being in tune to some nonphysical force or agency. For example, Having heard that colors can provoke a psychic response, I decided to paint the room a calming blue.
Psychic can also mean "sensitive to influences or forces of a nonphysical or supernatural nature." So if someone or something is influenced by a mysterious force outside physical science or knowledge, it's a psychic influence. For example, a psychic feeling led him to run out of the building right before a fire started.
As an adjective, some synonyms for psychic are spiritual, supernatural, paranormal, psychological, and metaphysical.
As a noun, psychic refers to "a person who is sensitive to psychic influences or forces." For example, since she was a little girl, John's grandmother has sworn she's a psychic and can tell when something wrong will happen. In addition to medium, other synonyms for psychic as a noun include clairvoyant, fortune-teller, and prophet.
First recorded in 1855–60, psychic originates from the Greek word psȳchikós, meaning "of the soul."
What does medium mean?
If you're a psychic, you probably already know that next up, we're going to talk about the medium and its different meanings depending on which part of speech it is.
As an adjective, the medium is "about halfway between extremes, as of degree, amount, quality, position, or size." For example, she has sensitive skin, so she can only handle it at a medium temperature instead of showering with hot water. Synonyms for medium in this sense include average and intermediate.
As a noun, the medium has a few different distinct meanings, including: "a middle state or condition," "the material or technique with which an artist works," or "one of the means or channels of general communication, information, or entertainment in society, as newspapers, radio, or television."
However, similar to psychic, the medium can also mean "a person through whom the spirits of the dead are alleged to be able to contact the living." For example: After her mother died suddenly, Lucy went to a medium to connect with her mom's spirit and communicate one last time. Synonyms for a medium as a noun in this sense of being able to contact the dead include spiritualist, clairvoyant, mind reader, and fortune-teller.
Medium originated from the Latin word medius ("middle") and was first seen in English between 1575–85.
What is an Empath?
An empath is a person highly attuned to the feelings and emotions of those around them. Their ability to discern what others are feeling goes beyond empathy (defined simply as the ability to understand the feelings of others) and extends to taking those feelings on, feeling what another person is feeling at a deep emotional level.
Science is divided on whether or not true empaths—people who can tap into and take on the emotions of those around them—actually exist, though plenty of people claim to have such abilities.
We know that researchers have discovered what they've dubbed "mirror neurons" in the brain, which may help us mirror the emotions of those we come in contact with.1 And some people may have more mirror neurons than others, suggesting that empaths may exist.
Reference List Of Psychic Abilities
Apportation – The disappearance or teleportation of something from one place to another or the appearance of something from an unknown source.
Astral projection or mental projection – The ability to voluntarily project an astral body or mental body is associated with the out-of-body experience, in which one's consciousness temporarily is felt to separate from the physical body.
Automatic writing – The ability to draw or write without conscious intent.
Bilocation — The ability to simultaneously be present in two different places, usually attributed to a saint.
Clairvoyance — The ability to see things and events that are happening far away and locate objects, places, and people, using a 'sixth sense.
Claircognizance - the ability to clear knowing
Clairsentience - loosely translated, means "clear-feeling."
Clairaudience - intuitive ability that refers to clear hearing. Clairaudience (clear-hearing) can manifest internally, meaning heard within your mind, or externally, meaning heard as a voice or a noise outside yourself.
Dermo-optical perception - The ability to perceive unusual sensory stimuli through one's own skin.
Divination – The ability to gain insight into a situation using occult lists.
Dowsing – The ability to locate water, sometimes using a tool called a dowsing rod
Dream telepathy - The ability to telepathically communicate with another person through dreams.
Energy medicine – The ability to heal with one's own empathic, etheric, astral, mental, or spiritual energy
Levitation or transvection – The ability to float or fly by mystical means.
Materialization — The creation of objects and materials or the appearance of matter from unknown sources.
Mediumship or channeling – The ability to communicate with spirits.
Precognition or premonition – The ability to perceive future events.
Psychic surgery – The ability to remove disease or disorder within or over the body tissue via an "energetic" incision that heals immediately afterward.
Psychokinesis or telekinesis – The ability to influence a physical system without physical interaction, typically manifesting as exerting force, controlling objects, and moving matter with one's mind.
Ergokinesis - The ability to influence the movement of energy, such as electricity, without direct interaction.
Psychometry or psychoscopy – The ability to obtain information about a person or an object by touch.
Pyrokinesis – The ability to control flames, fire, or heat using one's mind.
Ṛddhi – Psychic abilities gained through Buddhist meditation.
Remote viewing, telesthesia, or remote sensing – The ability to see a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.
Retrocognition or post cognition – The ability to supernaturally perceive past events.
Telepathy – The ability to transmit or receive thoughts supernaturally.
Thoughtography - The ability to impress an image by 'burning' it on a surface using one's own mind only.
Xenoglossy — The ability of a person to suddenly learn to write and speak a foreign language without any natural means such as studying or research, but divine agents often bestow that.
Are You a Clairvoyant, Clairaudient, Claircognizant, or Clairsentience?
When it comes to the senses, many humans only utilize five, including sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. For some, though, there is another type of sense: the intuitive mind.
Clairvoyance is the most commonly known type of psychic gift, which is clear-seeing. However, there are other ways to perceive info, such as clairaudience (clear hearing) or even claircognizance (clear knowing), the latter of which is often used in tandem with Clairsentience (clear feeling).
Here are some example signs for each preference. Note the ones that relate to you. Please be aware that you may experience all of these things at some time or another. Aim to identify the ones you do most often – the ones you prefer or favor, the ones that come quickly to you.
How To Tell If You Have The Gift of Clairvoyant
Clairvoyance means "clear seeing," which refers to psychic seeing. If you are a clairvoyant psychic, you've probably experienced the gift manifesting itself in some way during your life…and you may not have even been able to recognize it for what it was!
Even though clairvoyance is somewhat familiar, many very clairvoyant people discredit their clairvoyant abilities to daydreaming, wandering of the mind, wishful thinking, and their imagination. Have you been asking yourself whether or not you might be clairvoyant?
Signs you are Clairvoyant.
You tend to use the phrase, 'I see.'
Visions, images, colors, symbols, and mental videos come to you in your mind's eye. Flashes of light and color often are signs.
Notice people's auras and energy fields.
See movement out the corner of your eye, but nothing appears to be there.
You see mist, fog, light, or colors when others can't.
You have a good imagination. You are an expert at puzzles and problem-solving because seeing how different pieces fit together.
Day-dream often. Does your imagination or subconscious sometimes take over?
Easily visualize your dreams, goals, and desires. You're very imaginative and creative.
You are seeing symbols, visions, colors, and images. This "inner seeing" is very subtle and will typically happen within your mind's eye.
You prefer to see things rather than discuss or read about them. When people tell you about something, you're daydreaming and visualizing it.
You have frequent, active, or vivid dreams.
How To Tell If You Have The Gift of Claircognizant
Claircognizance is the intuitive ability of clear knowing. Claircognizant information often comes in like a light bulb illuminating suddenly within your head or a sudden bright and clear idea. Claircognizance is also called clear-knowing, divine knowing, or drop-in insight.
The purpose of intuitive gifts, including claircognizance, is to give us a greater understanding of love and life, which in turn, changes the quality and experience of our lives. Specifically, this refers to the knowledge of an event, occurrence, intention, or another facet of existence, even without any evidence to lead to that knowledge. Despite having no information about an event, claircognizant people can feel that they know a piece of information that they have yet to be presented with and are consistently proven correct by the situation's outcome.
Signs you are Claircognizant.
You tend to use phrases such as, "I know…" and "I don't how, but I just know somehow."
Intuition and 'gut feeling' are heightened. Get regular flashes of insights and inspiration. People with natural claircognitive abilities are logical, enjoy thinking things out, and frequently get ideas that suddenly pop into their heads.
Experience feelings of deja vu. Like you've been here before; Or had a dream about this?
You pick up some skills very quickly without little training or practice. Like you've done this before.
Your mind is full of ideas and possibilities. You have lots of sudden ideas that you can't wait to share. You've experienced fast downloads of thoughts and spend your time thinking a lot.
You feel as though your mind works differently from other people's. Most of the time – you get a sudden stroke of insight and then a persistent low beat. You can also get external confirmation.
Answers and solutions come quickly to you, even without prior knowledge of the situation or subject matter.
How To Tell If You Have The Gift of Clairsentience
Clairsentience, loosely translated, means "clear feeling" and is perhaps the most down-to-earth of all the intuitive gifts. It's someone who feels things deeply and has the gift of clear sensing. It is the ability to feel the present, past, or future physical and emotional states of others, without the use of the usual five senses (smell, vision, touch, hearing, and taste). People who experience Clairsentience are affected by a myriad of different influences, but it all comes down to being sensitive to changes in energy.
Do you sense other people's motives, feelings, and next moves without even greeting or interacting with them directly? Do your loved ones see you as the person to-go-to when it comes to gut feelings?
Signs you are Clairsentience.
You tend to use the phrase, 'I feel or 'I sense that…'.
You prefer to experience things.
Enjoy nature, animals, and wildlife. You recharge with quiet time.
Sensitive to your environment. Sensitive to energies around you. You are capable of experiencing and feeling both inner and outer energy in a more intuitive way.
Get goosebumps or tingles for no apparent reason.
Some people call you an empath. You're very empathetic to your friends' emotions and energies.
Large crowds and busy places can drain or easily overwhelm you.
Pick up on the mood of others, their emotions, and their thoughts. You can sense people's intentions.
Easily relate to others and their situations.
Moods and emotions can be sudden and sometimes for no apparent reason.
You get 'gut feelings about situations, decisions, places, and people. Even about buildings and outside areas, invisible to physical senses
People say you're too sensitive.
You can't buy old stuff because you have the ability to feel or sense intuitive messages through physical touch or emotion.
How To Tell If You Have The Gift of Clairaudience
Clairaudience is the intuitive ability that refers to clear hearing. Clairaudience (clear-hearing) can manifest internally, meaning heard within your mind, or externally, meaning heard as a voice or a noise outside of yourself.
Do you experience things in life differently than the other people around you? Have your experiences and perceptions led you to wonder if you are maybe picking up more of what is happening in the world surrounding you than most people? Many individuals with the gift of clairaudience will use their abilities in their lives on a daily basis without even being aware of it.
Signs you are Clairaudient.
You tend to use phrases such as: 'I hear you, 'I hear what you're saying.
Hear your name being called, yet no one is there. You hear the radio or whispering in the distance when no one else does.
You prefer to listen to, read, or research things. You can learn on YouTube just by listening. Or you like to be left alone with a quiet book to learn.
Hear buzzing or ringing that appears to come from nowhere. If your abilities of clairaudience are starting to open up, you might notice a ringing sensation in your ears or changes of pressure within your ears.
Hear or speak words in your mind that are clear, rational, helpful, and encouraging. You give others profound advice. You comfort others.
You hear messages that have a tendency to be brief and get straight to the point. They could be a sudden inspiration for doing the most mundane tasks like cleaning your room.
Hear things that others can't. People tell you that you've got amazing hearing.
Music helps you connect.
More of a listener than a talker.
Talk to animals and plants and feel they are communicating with you.
You converse with yourself often or mumble something out loud often. You find yourself frequently troubleshooting what you say, calming yourself down with words.
Almost everyone experiences an odd, clear feeling at one time or another. Does any of this sound familiar to you? Everyone is born with the ability to intuit information in different ways. This is why kids (and even animals) perceive, understand, and are able to create things that adults often can't. Where do you have the most similarities?
These will probably be your natural inclinations and how you prefer to perceive information from spirit. A claircognizant person may experience more than one psychic ability. This means that just because someone is claircognizant, it doesn't mean that they cannot also be clairaudient. It is possible to possess all four intuitive senses as one individual person.